QCan I make Igloo run in the background longer?
AUnfortunately, no. This 3 minute limit (now 30 second limit on iOS 13) is something Apple put in place and there is no reliable way to get around it on our end; however, there are a few things that you can do.

Jailbroken: Use tweaks such as Watchdog or Dissident.

Non-Jailbroken: Setup a bouncer such as ZNC and use our push module.

You can also complain to Apple.
QWhere do files received via DCC go?
AAll files get added to a folder on your device named Igloo which is accessible via the Files app (On my iPhone/iPad -> Igloo -> Downloads), or Finder on a macOS device with your iPhone/iPad plugged in.

If you don't see the folder, restarting Igloo, then the Files app, then your phone as a last resort should make it appear.
QWhy is Igloo not on the IRCv3 client support table and what caps do you support?
AApparently that page isn't just a technical spec page. Although it states it's not, it clearly is a page of endorsements. Igloo was removed for its creator defending himself against a toxic IRCv3 member. However, Igloo supports the following extensions: