2/10/2024 - Igloo 3.0 Released
We are proud to announce the newest version of Igloo which you can now download on the App Store. Purchasers of the previous version will receive a 50% discount.

For the best transition experience, please use the following steps.

1. Make sure the old Igloo is updated to 2.2.5.
2. Open the app and backup your config to iCloud Drive.
3. Launch the new Igloo, purchase or start a trial and hit the Migrate Config button in Settings.

As usual, if you have any issues click here for support.
12/21/2023 - We brought our IRC network back up
Why not?
6/4/2023 - We shut down our IRC network
We've made the decision to shut down our IRC network. If you need support please email
12/10/2021 - Now accepting Cryptocurrencies
Since it's been requested 100+ times, you can now purchase a license using Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.
9/15/2021 - New licensing system
Version 2.1 just went live in the App Store which implements our own licensing system. You can now purchase a license here instead of an Apple in app purchase.

This also means we can give out free upgrades again to people that purchased in the past :)
8/15/2021 - No more free upgrades
It's now been over 6 months of giving out free codes to previous app purchasers and we still keep getting more emails every day. We can't give any more codes. Apple limits how many you can give per app per year and we exceeded that a few weeks ago. You can try to request a refund from Apple for the previous version and then purchase the new upgrade? Don't know, but please don't email anymore.
1/24/2021 - Igloo 2.0 Released
As of this aftertoon the new version is now available for download here. Please update ASAP because the old one will stop functioning within 2 weeks.

If you haven't already receieved your free Pro Upgrade, send your proof of payment to us via or by clicking the Support button in settings.

Thanks for understanding this ridiculous situation Apple has put us in.
1/1/2021 - Apple Sucks
After going back and forth with Apple for months, they refuse to remove the macOS build of Igloo from the Mac App Store. They stated repeatedly, "We can only expand device requirements". Meaning, you can add a macOS version of your app to the App Store, but once it's on there, it can't be removed.

We aren't happy with the performance and usability of it, and most importantly, it has bugs that don't exist on iOS/iPadOS even though it shares identical code.

Simply put, Mac Catalyst is terrible.

Because of this we're left in a shitty position.

Igloo has been in the iOS App Store for 2+ years now, it's the highest rated IRC client, has the #1 spot in the search results for "IRC" or "IRC Client", and has had over 15,000 people purchase it.

That's where the real trouble comes in. On top of the horrible policy that prevents me from taking my own product off the shelf for just one platform (macOS) and forcing me to make a whole new app record, they also have the limitation of not being able to transfer purchases of one app to another. This means all of you reading this who have purchased Igloo, are also getting screwed by Apple because of this.

Now you may be thinking, can't you just track device ID's and give me a copy of the new app for free? The answer is no. As of iOS 7 Apple prevents developers from accessing any identifiable data for privacy reasons.

So here's what we're forced to do. Igloo will be free to download in the iOS App Store, and will be usable with some limitations, and the full version will be unlocked with an in-app purchase. If you've purchased Igloo in the past and don't want to pay again we can gift you a copy, just contact us at or click the Support button in settings. Please have proof of payment.

This transition will be happening within 30 days.

We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.